
We have needed comfort in our house lately, with long bouts of illness and fatigue getting the better of us for weeks.

For the children, that means pyjama days, hot water bottles and chocolate. For me, it’s comfort reads and comfort foods, naps on the sofa whenever possible and plenty of fresh air.

Four Comfort Reads I have enjoyed lately:

The Comfort of Saturdays, by Alexander McCall Smith: The fifth book in his Isabel Dalhousie series set in Edinburgh. I enjoy the humanity and gentleness of these books, in which philosopher Isabel negotiates the ups and downs of life and seeks to help others along the way.

Good Enough, by Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie: This book of 40 devotions is deep and soulful and so encouraging. The authors lovingly walk you through some of the pain and questions of life in an open-hearted, realistic way, not offering answers but empathy.

The Horse and His Boy, by C.S. Lewis: a children’s book I return to often for it’s simple wisdom, tales of courage and friendship, and for the way it encourages faith that there is always goodness, hope and kindness to be found. I think the lion Aslan is a great picture of what God is like, and I love the scene when he explains to Shasta how he has been there with him since the beginning.

The Butterfly Isles, by Patrick Barkham: A record of the author’s search for all the species of butterfly found in the UK, over the course of a year, full of interesting facts and anecdotes and capturing the magic of these fascinating insects.

Two comfort foods I like to make:

Grandma’s Date Crisp:

6oz dried dates, 3oz margarine, 4oz sugar – put these in a saucepan and melt until soft and gloomy. Mix in 3oz rice crispies, then spread the mixture out on baking paper on a Swiss roll tin. Melt 8oz dark chocolate and spread it on the top. Put in the fridge for an hour or two and later cut into squares to serve.


I make my soups simply, in my soup maker gadget, with whatever ingredients I have to hand. All of them contain half an onion and vegetable stock. Sometimes, I will add carrot and coriander with a good splash of orange juice and a bit of black pepper. Other times, it’ll be sweet potato with ginger, or sometimes squash with coconut milk, chilli, lime and red pepper. Parsnips and apple work well too.

What are your go to things for rest and comfort?

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